Ontario was the original home of Mr. Brown, but he came to this district from Gibbons, in 1930 or so. He had lived there for a year or two with a cousin. While in that area he met F. Proudfoot and made a deal for his homestead at the Flats. That was the N.W. 34-57-5. He was a bachelor and stayed for some time in the house on the quarter where the big barn was---S.E. 3-58-5. Later on he moved over to Ben French's place and lived there with them. He only took off one crop on his place. When he was younger he had been hurt in a car accident and was crippled up somewhat. Now it was beginning to affect his heart and he was unable to do much work. He took sick one evening at Frenchs and Ben took him to the Elk Point hospital the next day. He never recovered and passed away in a day or two. This was in December 1933 and he is interred in the Flats cemetery and Rev. Whalley conducted the funeral services.