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Gottenbos Tammy Bonnie (Nelson)
ยป Fern Chapel School
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Last Names with A B C D E F
Darling Edna
Darling Joan
Darling Wesley
Last Names with G H I J K L
Gottenbos Tammy Bonnie (Nelson)
Heffernan Gerald
Heffernan Joseph Gabriel
Hillebrand Helen S
Hillebrand Raymond
Hillebrand Walter Anton
Kummetz Fritz
Kummetz Louise
Kummetz Waldemar Fritz
Livingston Ella
Last Names with M N O P Q R
Nelson Amy
Nelson Carl Harvey
Nelson Christian
Nelson Edwin Victor
Nelson Gwen
Nelson Nellie Rae
Ockeman Arnold Warnner
Ockerman Carl
Ockerman Melvin Robert
Ockerman Shirley
Peterson Terrence Wallace
Last Names with S T U V
Stults Gerald
Valentine (Pinder) Isobel
Vankosky Betty Lou
Last Names with Y Z
Zapesocki Nick
The Early Homesteaders (before 1913)
Allen Tom
Archie Allen
Bently Merl
Blacker Eldon
Blacker Lewis
Blacker William
Brooks Sidney
Clark Harry
Clydesdale T.F.
Dahlgren Ole
Dunham William Caleb
Ferguson Clinton B
Ferguson William Roselle
French B B
Gansete Frank
Glatt Frank
Groves Dan
Hansen Bill
Harris Slim
Hatchard Rex
James Percy
Jesson Hans
Keicheinger P
Kruger William
McClain Samuel
McCrea Alf
McCuen John
McGee Sam
Ockerman Arnold
Ockerman Carl
Ockerman Johnnie
Ockerman Melvin
Paeglow Herman
Proudfoot F
Quayle Albert
Scott H
Sorenson Louis
Stabenfeldt T
Taylor R W
Thompson Ed
Thorsell Nells
Vincent Ed
Families arriving after 1913 to 1919
Bacon Charlie
Dahlgren Charlie and Wise Eddie
Eye Bert
Forbes Ken
Gallagher James
Gallagher Roy
Ganton Jim
Hammond Harry
Hillebrand John
Martin Joe Sr
Martin Charlie
Martin R K
Nelson Chris
Nelson Carl and Olive
Nelson Edward and Gwen
Nelson Neils and Mary
Salmon John and Sadie
Size Tom
Sloan James W
Warne Montague (Monty) and Suzanne
Wilcox Henry
Wilson White
Wise Arthur Sr
Families arriving after 1920
Buhman R
Ferguson Jack M
Goswell Bert
Johnson Ole
Lanning Joe
Madden James
Simpson Reg
Storey Ralph
Families arriving after 1930
Bartholomew Chauncey Edward and Harriet
Bartholomew Robert and Katherine
Brown Arthur
Dunbar Frank
Goettling Nelson W
Gunderson Dan and Laura
Livingston Ira and Ella
Lorenson Fred and Audrey
McClain Grover and Christine
McConnel Barney
Rafferty Barney
Schultz Kummetz family
Wardle John Sr
Families arriving after 1940
Gustafson Arvid and Hazel
Phillips Harry
Stewart Hugh
Zapesocki Nick and Pearl
Families arriving after 1950
Ashby Arthur and Sophie
Lien Kore
Opanavicius Leon and Ursule
Samuolis Anton
Young Bruce
Families arriving after 1960
Johnson Johnny and Hazel
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