Scrapbook 14

Ferguson Flats

Mr. and Mrs. Harley Seward of Willing, Alberta were recent weekend visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nelson. Little Michelle Nelson of Edmonton accompanied them to visit her grandparents.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Livingston spent a few days in Fort McMurray and while there, they attended the Winter Carnival. Their grandson, Wesley Young, accompanied them home. He is returning with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Young who are currently visiting relatives and parents in the area.

Sympathy is extended to the relatives and families of John Ockerman Sr. who passed away recently. He was one of the earliest settlers in this district and had lived here for many years.

The next meeting of the Ferguson Flats Ladies Club will be be held at the home of Mrs. N. Zapesocki on April 1st.

Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ira Livingston who celebrated their forty-ninth wedding anniversary this month.

In the local crib tournament top honors go out to Arnold Ockerman who received a trophy for first place and second prize went to Edward Nelson.

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Hillebrand have moved into the district after living in Elk Point. They are living on the original home place and Mrs. Hillebrand Sr. has moved into a new home.

Arley Bartholomew Jr. and Chris Berg of Mission, BC, are visiting relatives in the district.

A cash bingo sponsored by the local Unifarm group was held at the Community Center on Saturday evening.