With settlers arriving from various parts of the world, each undoubtedly left behind his association with some particular church or denomination. Since there were no churches anywhere in this area, any missionary who could provide some religious services was more than welcome. Little is known about the ministers who came here in the earliest days, but some services were apparently held first in the homes, and later in the school.
Thos. J. Martin, Missionary - 1923
The first records of the United Church show that the following ministers came to the community to hold services: Rev. Harry Day, Rev. Reg. Smith, Mr. Whaley (1931 to 1934), Rev. W.N. Blackmore (1947 to 1949), Rev. Sam Marshall, Rev. A.D. Pringle and Rev. D. Edwards. These ministers came from the Elk Point United Church. Other missionaries who came to the district included: Miss Roberts, Mr. Finley, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Beamish, Thomas Martin, and Rev. A.D. Marshall. The Seventh Day Adventists began holding Sabbath School Services in the homes and the school in about 1933 and continued to do so for many years. Their ministers came from outside this area. If none were available, sometimes one of their own members would conduct the service.
Rev Blackmore and his wife, Lois, United Church
Rev AD and Mrs Marshall, Full Gospel Bible
In the 1940's and '50's, Miss Gray and Miss Zaccalini came to this area to conduct their mission work. They came to the schools each week and had half hour Bible Classes with the students. All the children enjoyed these as well as the hymns that were taught to them. They also visited the homes and helped the families in whatever way they could. They came during summer and winter, travelling by team and buggy or cutter, depending on the season.
In recent years, all church services have been centralized in towns. There are no longer any services conducted in our community, except for funerals and these are conducted in the community center. Anyone who wishes, may choose from the various churches in town and attend the services there.