1965 01 15

Ferguson Flats

Mr. Albert Hammond is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. George Belter and family in Edmonton.

Many visitors were in the district during the holiday season. Among them were the following:

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ockerman and family of Coaldale. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Williams and family, Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Melin and family, Dawson Creek, B.C. Mr. and Mis. Bill Grekul and daughter of Edmonton. Mr. Billy Kummetz of Viking. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartholomew and family of Edmonton. Mr. Charles Nelson, Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Lorenson and boy of Lacombe.

Miss Ellen Nelson who™s attending the Olds Agricultural School was home for the holidays.

Miss Donna Nelson. who is a Nursing Aid student in Edmonton also spent her holidays at home.

Mr. John Ockerman Sr. returned from a visit at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swanson and family in Fort Saskatchewan.

The next meeting of the Ladies Club will be held at the home of Mrs Carl Ockerman on Thursday February 3rd.