1969 12 13

Ferguson Flats

The annual bingo, sponsored attended, purchased tickets or by the Ladies Club on November 15th was a successful event. Congratulations are extended

with the winner of the turkey in the blackout being Miss Holly Cinnamon.

Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. John Ockerman who are the proud parents of a baby boy.

In the raffle, the lucky winners were: turkey, Carl Nelson: h a m, Mrs. Ella Hillebrand; Christimas cake, Mrs. Alta Hellquist. Thanks are extended to all who attended, purchased tickets or assisted in any way.

Congratulations go out to Nellie Moorehead and Henry Ashley who were married on November 29th, in Manvayne. The newlyweds will be making their home in the district.

Mr. Robert Ockerman of Coaldale has been spending a few days in the district visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ockerman and relatives.

Visiting at t h e Zapesocki home were their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ruzak of Edmonton and his parents of Willingdon.

Mrs. Carl Nelson and her daughter, Mrs. Deanna Fakely attended a wedding in the city last weekend. The bride was the youngest daughter, Verna, of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gallagher.

Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Unmet of Edmonton visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson.

The annual meeting of the Ferguson Flats Ladies Club was held at the home of Mrs. Carl Nelson. After the business portion of the meeting was concluded, a lovely lunch was served by the hostess