Community News 1995

Many will remember 1995 for such news events as the Quebec Referendum, O.J. Simpson trial and the Klein cutbacks, but here we like to record our own events. Weather wise we had a very dry spring and summer. As a result pastures were poor. Rains finally came 
in August. We had a beautiful fall with killing frosts delayed till Sept. 20th and everyone had an opportunity to complete their harvest. However the hay crops and grain yields were very poor. A hail storm came through part of the district on Jun 25th doing extensive damage to some gardens and crops. A cold winter arrived with Halloween and kept us in its grip right up to Christmas.
Brett Gordon Ockerman- born to Orin and Donna Ockerman Jan 7th
Katelyn Britton Nelson- born to Doug and Lori Nelson Jan 25th
Tyler Anthony Ockerman born to Glen and Cathy Ockerman Feb 28th
Britney Carmelita Heathcote- born to Melinda and Rob Heathcote Apr 26th
Great grandchildren to Gwen Nelson ¦ Gabrielle Marie Belter daughter of Jackie and Gary Belter (daughter of Charles and Sharon Nelson)
Jonathan Allen Gottenbos to Tammy and Allen Gottenbos ( Daughter of Charles and Sharon Nelson)
Great granddaughter to Olive Nelson¦ Savanna Lynn to Deann and Dennis Sergeew (Donna and Lucien Brunets daughter)
Maria Antonio (daughter of Harry and Bernice Zapesocki) to Tom May
Elle and Ed Hillebrand had three weddings: Cheryl and David Chalupa, Sharon to Jeff Baker, Marlene to Sylvain Dore
High School Graduates:
Krista Seward, Daniel Peterson
Emory Bartholomew, Ella Livingston, Elsa Nelson (nee Ockerman) Shelby Hatchard, Arvid Gustafson
Ecco Peterson (80 years) Ella Livingston (91 years) Neil Nelson (65 years) Bernice Zapesocki (50 years)
Fred and Audrey Lorenson 60th wedding anniversary, Gene and Gaby Bayduza 25th wedding anniversary
James Babenek, son of Elaine and Ed Babenek had a very memorable year. He was a member of the Bantam Lightning Elk Hockey Team that won Provincial Finals in a tournament in Elk Point. He also won the 4-H Reserve Champion steer in the Elk Point 4-H Beef Club
Judy Ockerman was the winner of our Whist Series. Glen Ockerman and Dennis Heffernan won the cribbage tournament.
In the October County Elections Allen Young was elected as councillor, replacing Bob Smith who retired after being our representative for 32 years.
Oil activity was evident in the fall when Koch Exploration drilled 4 new wells in the district. Pan Canadian did more seismographing in the area.
The Nelson families had relatives visiting from Denmark and the Ockermans had cousins visiting from Norway.