Community News 1992

1992 probably equalled 1991 for dryness. Our driest period was in June, which meant that grass and hay growth was blessed with blizzards giving us 4-5 inches of snow on May 20th and August 20th. The August blizzard was followed by several mornings of very hard frosts. Standing crops were laid flat in the fields and trees were broken by the snow. Some yards also had frosts in July. It was a very interesting year weather wise.
During this past year major improvements were made to the cemetery. The area was doubled to about 2 acres. Special thanks for this are due to Daniel Allen who donated the additional land and to Olga Ockerman who did most of the paperwork involved. The part of the cemetery in present use was enclosed with a steel chain linked fence. A beautiful wrought iron fence built by Lucien Brunet (Olive Nelson™s son-in-law) was installed along the front of the cemetery. Many residents helped with this work and donated funds to cover the cost.
This year was the 45th anniversary of the Ferguson Flats Ladies Club.
Births: David and Erica Ockerman now of Dewberry had a boy, Jock David on April 24th. John and Judy Ockerman are the grandparents.
Olive Nelson had a second great grandson, Curtis Evan Sergrew of Goodsoil, Saskatchewan.
25th Wedding Anniversary: Donna and Lucien Brunet, Charles and Sharon Nelson, Ron and Pat Oster
Weddings: Lori Irvine and Doug Nelson Aug 1st, Valerie Ockerman and Owen Gibson Sep 5th, Connie Nelson and Tim Smereka Oct 5th
Graduates: Stephen Bayduza, Melanie Fakeley, Melinda Ockerman, and Stuart Peterson
Deaths: Louise Kummetz Dec 29 1991, Roy Gallagher Feb. , Dan Smith, brother to Gwen Nelson, Elmer Wilcox, Betty Lou Van Kosky (nee Stultz) Spring Park
  • Amanda Zapesocki-Northeastern Adoption Agency Coloring Contest Grade 2
  • Christa Hammond Grade 7 Academic Honours
  • Jennifer Hillebrand- Grade 11 Academic Honours
  • Kim Seward Grade 11 Honorable Mention
  • Stuart Peterson Brailsford Memorial Music Award
  • Stephen Bayduza Rutherford Scholarship, Grade 12 Academic Honours, English 30 and Math 30 Awards
The cribbage tournament was won by Gwen Nelson. The whist drive winners were Olga Ockerman and Jimmy Bodnar.
Bruno and Theresa Kummetz moved back to our district in 1991. (This was omitted in the last year™s diary) Kenny and Marion Hillebrand made a trip to Germany last summer.