Middle Creek School Days

Middle Creek School followed the original Primrose School.


1929-1930  Bottom Row, Left to Right: Annie Chomlack, Iryne Kozak, Leatha Gallagher, Edna Wicox, Tophel Kozak.

Middle Row: William Saranchuk, Gladys Gallagher, Walter Gudwer, Willie Berezan, Lucille Wilcox.

Back Row. Phoebe Wilcox, Ruby Gudwer, Pearl Gallagher, Hazel Gudwer, Jim Gudwer, Mike Berezan, Teacher - Noreen Pavey (Wilcox)-?


1939 Pupils at the Middle Creek School

Bottom Row, Left to Right: Lance Wenzel, William Chomlack, Olga Repihowsky, Nellie Sayewich, John Chomlack, Annie Sayewich, Helen Kozak, Mike Bodnar, Steve Lemecha.

Second Row: Jennie Berezan, Mary Lemecha, Peter Chomlack, OIga Haveruk, Zenon Fedy, Anton Haveruk, Olga Chomlack, Florence Lemecha, Olga Mikietuk.

Third Row: Sophie Bodnar, Annie Kozak, Kathy Shopsky, Polly Chomlack, Emily Lemecha, Annie Lemecha, Helen Chomlack, Olive Gallagher.

Top Row: Tommy Ferguson, Olga Shopsky, Mary Shopsky, Lydia Ferguson, Tophel Kozak, Calvin Ferguson.


About 1948: Middle Creek Class

Back Row: Joe Molnar, Caroline Chomlack, Johnny Molnar, Mary Bodnar, Hugh Hatchard, Phyllis Wichman, Arthur Thomson, Verna Revega, Rex Hatchard, Olga Lemecha, Elsie Lemecha.

Bottom Row: Charlie Thomson, Shelby Hatchard, Aroma Hatchard, Alice Revega, Lillian Chomlack, Irene Chomlack, Tommy Chomlack, Hugh Thomson.



In the Mid 50's - Middle Creek Class

Back Row: Mildred Lemecha, Norene Wichman, Glen Wilcox, Marion Chomlack, Ronnie Wichman.

Front Row: Pat Heffernan, George Thomson, Dorothea Thomson, Rita Wilcox, Barbara Heffernan.

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